· If you need any assistance from us, please call Spring Japan Call Center when you make a booking. New Booking Fee is waived to this service. If you have already made a reservation through internet, your telephone inquiries are accepted at our Spring Japan Call Center up to 5 business days before your planned flight departure.
※This Service is not guaranteed depending on various situation. Please apply to us well in advance.
· Security Inspection and Boarding will sometime take longer than expected. Please show up to the airport well in advance. (Approximately 90 minutes before departure to the check-in counters)
· If safety in flight not certain please ask someone to accompany and assist you,.
· Please prepare various required forms by downloading and printing yourself and send them after signing at least 5 business days to our call center by facsimile.
Telephone 0570-666-118(9:00~17:30 daily)
If you have any difficulty in hearing or speaking, please send us a Facsimile to
0476-27-5605(9:00~17:30 365 days year round)
Passengers with eye or hearing disability
Passengers with disease or injury
Passengers Using Medical Oxygen Cylinder
Expectant Mothers
Unaccompanied Minors<Junior Support Service>
If you have your self-injection (needle)
About Dialysis
Passengers with disability in legs
■ When you make your reservation, please answer to the following questions.・ Please identify your walking capability (and also whether you have any disease or injury.)
a. Unable to walk yourself
b. Able to walk but unable to step up or down stairs.
c. Able to come up or down the stairs but unable to walk long.
<Do you have your own wheelchair?>
a. Is that wheelchair manual or battery driven?
b. If battery operated, please write the size, weight and battery type.
※ Oversized or overweighed wheelchairs are not accepted..
※ Please check our rule until 5 business days before boarding by contacting Spring Japan’s Call Center and ensure conditions are met. 【Click here to download “Wheelchair Confirmation Form”】。
・ Your wheelchairs are accepted as check-in baggage at check-in counters. Wheelchairs for airport use are available after that. ・ Please come up to the airport well in advance (Approximately 90 minutes prior to departure time.)Passengers with eye or hearing disability
Please answer to the following questions,
・ Anybody accompanying you?
・ Do you have your assistance dog travelling with you?
・ Do you need a writing board for communication? (If you have a difficulty of hearing.)
・ Please bring and show us a certificate issued by the Ministry of Welfare and Labor authorizing usage of seeing-eye dogs or hearing aid dogs. Ensure your dog is wearing a
harness(white or yellow) with clear indication of “Seeing-eye Dog” or “Hearing Aid Dog.”
・ Feeding food or drinks to your assistance dogs are prohibited.
Passengers with disease or injury
As there are such possibilities that your physical condition becomes not fitted to air travel, we recommend you to consult your doctor.
We may ask you to submit a medical certificate and sign an indemnity form or ask you to be accompanied by your assistant. Or we may deny your boarding in the following cases. Your understanding is appreciated.
・ Physical condition may get worse,
・ Serious disease or injury feared,
・ Recent but serious operation
・ During the “forced staying at home” period stipulated in Category 1 to 3 Epidemic or as in School Health and sanitation Law of Japan
Download the certificatehere
, download the consent form here
Passengers Using Medical Oxygen Cylinder
Due to limited space in aircraft, we ask you to purchase an extra seat if you wish to use an oxygen oylinder on board. A Medical Certificate, Oxygen Cylinder Specification and an Indemnity form are also required. The forms are downloadable at the end of the page.■ WHEN MAKING RESERVATIONS ■
・Please let us know The Manufacturer, Product Name, Size and so on.※Please download to print and fill in our specified form. Then send them by facsimile to our Spring Japan Call Center by 5 business day before departure, and call us.
※In order to operate Oxygen Cylinders on board, you are or your assistant must be used and well
familiar with such operation. ※If you intend to operate Oxygen Cylinder on board, we ask you to present Doctor’s medical Certificate
Staging ※If you are not able to submit certificate or requirement in the certificate insufficient, we may refuse your boarding.
a. capability of air travel.
b. date of issue within 7 days before the flight.
※If you have booked a round trip on our flights, the certificate must be valid on the return flight date and fill in the flight number with dates.
For Spring Japan’s Medical Certificate form Click here。
To download “Oxygen Cylinder Specification Form” Click here。
To download ‘Indemnity Agreement Form’ Click here。
Please show up to the airport well in advance (Approximately 90 minutes before departure)Expectant Mothers
■ Pregnancy less than 32 weeks ■
・ Accepted and can travel as a normal passenger unless special doctor’s medical certificate if issued But we recommend you always to keep maternal and Child Handbook for smooth processing.■ Pregnancy after 32 weeks but less than 35 weeks ■
Accepted on board by presenting medical certificate and stating
If you are not able to submit certificate or requirement in the certificate insufficient, we may refuse your boarding.
Certificate must include:
a.weeks of pregnancy(Expected date of giving birth),
b.eligibility of flying with date, segment certified by a medical doctor.
c.The certificate must be issued within and including 7 days before flying date,
※If a round trip booked, please write return flight, date as well.
Infants aged between 0 to 1 year are unable to be accompanied.
・ Please fasten your seat belt low not to create extra pressure to your child.
※Spring Japan shall not make any refund against unused ticket due to over 35 weeks of pregnancy
or submitted documents proved insufficient.
To download medical certificate Click here, Indemnity Agreement Form Click here。
■ After 35th week of pregnancy ■
・ We ask your kind understanding that for safety reasons we cannot accept you on our flights if pregnancy becomes moreUnaccompanied Minors<Junior Support Service>
.”Children between the age over 6 but less than 12 years old can travel without being accompanied under the condition that he/she must buy our “Junior Support Service. Unaccompanied Minors are not accepted for travel without this service.“Junior Support Service” requires an additional payment.
・ Aged over 6 but less than 12 years, not accompanied by any other passengers.
・ He/she will be taken to the airport of departure by a guardian and will be met at arriving airport by a guardian.
Unable to book by internet. Please contact our call center: Spring Japan Call Center
Please download “Junior Support Service Application/Agreement Form” to fill in and submit to us. Click here。
<Handling Fee>
Unaccompanied Minor Fee is charged for each flight segment, each person separately. This fee is not refundable.
Please switch off your mobiles if GPS function downloaded.
If you have your self-injection (needle)
You may use doctor’s prescribed Insulin self injection or EpiPen injection (needles) on board. For quick and smooth clearance of Security Inspection, we recommend you keep certificate proving the usage. Please do not dispose used needles in cabin but we ask you to bring them back home.About Dialysis
Due to aircraft type, Dialysis Equipment is prohibited to operate.